Wednesday 17 September 2014

Time Management

Time Management

Physicians are often very  busy taking care of the patients, but sometimes physicians also have to waste their productive time waiting for a patient.

How can a physician overcome this ?  The only way is tracking and analysis.

I have worked with many physicians who complain that "I have spent a lot of time with this patient and what I am getting paid is very less."  Yes, this is the situation with many of the family care physicians.

I have actually got some tips on effectively utilizing the physician's time and managing patient appointments.

Confirming Patient Appointments:

The administrative staff needs to confirm a patient's appointment at least 24 hours before the appointment, although the patient's appointment has been already confirmed.  The only reason is patient might change his/her mind depending the importance of other schedules, priority tasks, etc.  Especially, when the visit is only for a preventive medicine or an annual checkup, because as there is no medical emergency, patient's tend to come at their convenience.

Prior Authorization:

Whenever a prior authorization is required, it should be obtained as early as possible and insurances should be followed with regards to that.  If there is any documentation that is required from the patient, it should be obtained without any delay.  Prior authorization is vital, especially for a specialist visit and other procedure visits.  This also helps in prompt payments from the insurances.

Appointment Tracking:

Tracking patient appointments plays a very important role in appointment analysis.  Each and every no show, cancelled, and rescheduled appointments should be tracked.  The administrative staff should make an effort to call the patient and know the specific reason as to why the patient could not keep up the appointment.   Also, send notices / bills to patients who miss more than 2-3 appointments.

Time Spent:

If a patient has minor problem, which meets a level 3 visit, but you spend more time counseling the patient on other issues, make sure that the time spent with the patient is documented.


Make sure that each and every service that is rendered to the patient is documented.  If a patient comes in the global period and is treated apart from the diagnosis related to the global period CPT.  It should be documented and appropriate modifier must be used.

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